Bernholt, S. et al. (2012): Capturing the diversity of students‘ competences in science classrooms: Differences and commonalities of three complementary approaches

Bernholt, S., Eggert, S. & Kulgemeyer, C. (2012). Capturing the diversity of students' competences in science classrooms: Differences and commonalities of three complementary approaches. In Making it tangible: Learning outcomes in science education (S. 173–200). Münster: Waxmann.@inbook{kulgemeyer2012, title={Capturing the diversity of students' competences in science classrooms: Differences and commonalities of three complementary approaches}, author={Sascha Bernholt and Sabina Eggert and Christoph Kulgemeyer}, year={2012}, booktitle={Making it tangible: Learning outcomes in science education}, location={Münster}, publisher={Waxmann}, pages={173--200} }