Höttecke, D. (2007): How Do Physics Teacher Students Understand the Nature of Science? An Explorative Study of a Well Informed Investigational Group

Höttecke, D. (2007). How Do Physics Teacher Students Understand the Nature of Science? An Explorative Study of a Well Informed Investigational Group. In Paper presented at the Ninth International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference (IHPST), Calgary, Canada 2007, June 28 -@inproceedings{hoettecke2007d, title={How Do Physics Teacher Students Understand the Nature of Science? An Explorative Study of a Well Informed Investigational Group}, author={Dietmar Höttecke}, year={2007}, booktitle={Paper presented at the Ninth International History, Philosophy, Sociology & Science Teaching Conference (IHPST), Calgary, Canada 2007, June 28 -}, volume={31}, number={2007}, url={http://www.ucalgary.ca/ihpst07/proceedings/IHPST07%20papers/124%20hoettecke.pdf} }