Niedderer, H. et al. (2008): Curriculum development and related research yesterday and today – the example of the IPN Curriculum Physics

Niedderer, H. & Aufschnaiter, S. v. (2008). Curriculum development and related research yesterday and today - the example of the IPN Curriculum Physics. In R. S. Mikelskis-Seifert (U.) & M. Brückmann: Four Decades of Research in Science Education - from Curriculum Development to Quality Improvement (S. 13–27). Münster: Waxmann.@inbook{niedderervonaufschnaiter2008, title={Curriculum development and related research yesterday and today - the example of the IPN Curriculum Physics}, author={Hans Niedderer and Stefan von Aufschnaiter}, year={2008}, editor={S. Mikelskis-Seifert, Ringelband, U. and Brückmann, M.}, booktitle={Four Decades of Research in Science Education - from Curriculum Development to Quality Improvement}, location={Münster}, publisher={Waxmann}, pages={13--27} }