Funktion | Alumni / ehemalige Mitarbeiter*in |
Prof. Dr. Hans Niedderer
- Born in 1938, married, 5 children
- PhD in Physics with a dissertation about „Content structure and students' conceptions with simple electric circuits“ (1972)
- Research fellow in the Institute of Science Education (IPN) Kiel (1965 – 1974)
- Full professor of physics education at the university of Bremen (1974)
- Vice rektor of the University of Bremen (1984 – 1986)
- Member of the board of the German Association for Chemistry and Physics Education (GDCP) (1989 – 1993)
- Member of the NARST International Committee (1996 – 1999)
- Guest professor in three Swedish universities (Kristianstad 2000, Linköping/Norrköping 2001, Mälardalen 2002 to 2011) in the frame of the Swedish graduate programm for research in sciennce and technology education (FontD)
- Retired from University of Bremen 2004
- Guest professor in Sweden at Mälardalens Högskola and Karlstads Universitet 2004 untill 2011, as a member of the Swedish graduate programm for research in sciennce and technology education (FontD)
- Visiting professor in Nigeria at Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) from June 2011 untill September 2011, with a DAAD-Grant of the Johann-Gottfried-Herder foundation
- Visiting professor in Nigeria at Nasarawa State University, Keffi (NSUK) from June 2017 untill September 2017, with a DAAD-Grant of the Johann Gottfried Herder-Program.
Areas of Research
- Learning processes in physics (electric circuits, quantum atomic physics, geometrical optics, sustainable energy, chemical thermodynamics); learning effects; cognitive layers; cognitive development
- Currciculum development and evaluation in quantum atomic physics
- Labwork in physics education
- Ownership, motivation, holistic learning in mini-projects
- Students' conceptions about chemical thermodynamics
Aktuelle Publikationen
Alle 163 Publikationen anzeigen
Schmidt, M. (2008). Kompetenzmodellierung und -diagnostik im Themengebiet Energie der Sekundarstufe I - Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Testinventars. Berlin: Logos.@book{kroegergebschmidtniedderer2008, title={Kompetenzmodellierung und -diagnostik im Themengebiet Energie der Sekundarstufe I - Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Testinventars}, author={Marita Schmidt}, year={2008}, editor={Hans Niedderer and Helmut Fischler and Sumfleth, E.}, booktitle={Studien zum Physik- und Chemielernen, Band 87}, location={Berlin}, publisher={Logos} }
Duit, R., Schecker, H., Höttecke, D. & Niedderer, H. (2014). Teaching Physics. In S. K. A. Norman G. Lederman: Handbook of Research on Science Education (2 Aufl.), 434-456 Routledge.@inbook{nieddererscheckerhoettecke2014, title={Teaching Physics}, author={Reinders Duit and Horst Schecker and Dietmar Höttecke and Hans Niedderer}, year={2014}, editor={Norman G. Lederman, Sandra K. Abell}, booktitle={Handbook of Research on Science Education (2 Aufl.), 434-456}, publisher={Routledge}, url={} }
Niedderer, H. & Aufschnaiter, S. v. (2008). Curriculum development and related research yesterday and today - the example of the IPN Curriculum Physics. In R. S. Mikelskis-Seifert (U.) & M. Brückmann: Four Decades of Research in Science Education - from Curriculum Development to Quality Improvement (S. 13–27). Münster: Waxmann.@inbook{niedderervonaufschnaiter2008, title={Curriculum development and related research yesterday and today - the example of the IPN Curriculum Physics}, author={Hans Niedderer and Stefan von Aufschnaiter}, year={2008}, editor={S. Mikelskis-Seifert, Ringelband, U. and Brückmann, M.}, booktitle={Four Decades of Research in Science Education - from Curriculum Development to Quality Improvement}, location={Münster}, publisher={Waxmann}, pages={13--27} }
Nilsson, T. & Niedderer, H. (2013). Undergraduate students' conceptions of enthalpy, enthalpy change and related concepts. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2014, Advance Article First published online : 02 Oct 2013.@article{niedderer2013, title={Undergraduate students' conceptions of enthalpy, enthalpy change and related concepts}, author={Tor Nilsson and Hans Niedderer}, year={2013}, journal={Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2014, Advance Article First published online : 02 Oct 2013}, url={!divAbstract} }
Nilsson, T. & Niedderer, H. (2012). An analytical tool to determine undergraduate students' use of volume and pressure when describing expansion work and technical work. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012, (13), 348–356.@article{niedderer2012, title={An analytical tool to determine undergraduate students' use of volume and pressure when describing expansion work and technical work}, author={Tor Nilsson and Hans Niedderer}, year={2012}, journal={Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 2012}, number={13}, pages={348--356}, url={} }
Engström, S., Gustafsson, P. & Niedderer, H. (2011). Content for Teaching Sustainable Energy Systems in Physics at Upper Secondary School. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.@article{niedderer2011, title={Content for Teaching Sustainable Energy Systems in Physics at Upper Secondary School}, author={Susanne Engström and Peter Gustafsson and Hans Niedderer}, year={2011}, publisher={Springer}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, url={} }
Enghag, M. & Niedderer, H. (2008). Two Dimensions of Student Ownership of Learning During Small-Group Work in Physics. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 6(4), 629–653.@article{niedderer2008, title={Two Dimensions of Student Ownership of Learning During Small-Group Work in Physics}, author={Enghag, M. and Hans Niedderer}, year={2008}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, volume={6}, number={4}, pages={629--653}, url={} }
Artikel in Tagungsbänden
Nilsson, T. & Niedderer, H. (2010). Undergraduate students' conceptions of enthalpy and enthalpy change. ESERA10 Summer School, Udine.@inproceedings{niedderer2010, title={Undergraduate students' conceptions of enthalpy and enthalpy change}, author={Tor Nilsson and Hans Niedderer}, year={2010}, location={ESERA10 Summer School, Udine}, url={} }
Eigendrucke, Polykopien
Niedderer, H. (2010). Content-specific research in science education. Plenary lecture at ESERA Summerschool Udine July 2010.@booklet{niedderer2010a, title={Content-specific research in science education}, author={Hans Niedderer}, year={2010}, location={Plenary lecture at ESERA Summerschool Udine July 2010}, pages={39}, url={/pubs/Niedderer/2010-Udine-ESERA-SS.pdf} }
Niedderer, H. (2009). Student ownership of physics learning. Invited lecture, GIREP-EPEC 2009 International Conference University of Leicester, 17-21 August 2009.@booklet{niedderer2009, title={Student ownership of physics learning}, author={Hans Niedderer}, year={2009}, location={Invited lecture, GIREP-EPEC 2009 International Conference University of Leicester, 17-21 August 2009}, pages={53}, url={/pubs/Niedderer/2009-GIREP-Niedderer.pdf} }
- Zeitmessung im Physikunterricht (Projektleitung)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- LSE – Labwork in Science Education (Projektleitung)
- Modellierung chemische Bindung
- CPU – Computereinsatz im Physikunterricht
- QAP – Quanten-Atom-Physik (Projektleitung)
- Schülervorstellungen und Lernprozesse (Projektleitung)