Niedderer, H. et al. (1998): Category Based Analysis of Videotapes from labwork (CBAV) – the method and results from four case studies

Niedderer, H., Tiberghien, A., Buty, C., Haller, K. et al. (1998). Category Based Analysis of Videotapes from labwork (CBAV) - the method and results from four case studies.@booklet{hallerniedderersanderscheckerhuckefischerwelzel1998, title={Category Based Analysis of Videotapes from labwork (CBAV) - the method and results from four case studies}, author={Hans Niedderer and Andrée Tiberghien and Christian Buty and Kerstin Haller and Lorenz Hucke and Florian Sander and Hans E. Fischer and Horst Schecker and Stefan von Aufschnaiter and Manuela Welzel}, year={1998}, booktitle={Working Paper 9 from the European project Labwork in Science Education (Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme, Project PL 95-2005), 41 pages}, url={/pubs/Niedderer/1998-WP9.pdf} }