Prof. Dr. Christoph Kulgemeyer

  • 2002 Abitur an der Waldschule Schwanewede.
  • 2007: Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an öffentlichen Schulen Sek. II/I mit den Fächern Physik und Deutsch
  • 01.07.2007-30.10.2010: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, Abteilung Physikdidaktik.
  • Juli – September 2009: Gastwissenschaftler an der Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australien, in der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Dr. David Treagust
  • Oktober 2010: Promotion „summa cum laude“ zum Dr. rer. nat. (Titel der Dissertation: „Physikalische Kommunikationskompetenz. Modellierung und Diagnostik“, Gutachter Prof. Schecker und Prof. Labudde)
  • 01.11. 2010 – 30.04.2012: Referendariat am Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium Bremen, Gastwissenschaftler am IDN
  • 2012: Zweites Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Gymnasien/ Gesamtschulen
  • seit 01.05.2012: PostDoc am IDN, Abteilung Physikdidaktik, Projektleiter „ProfiLe-P“
  • 01.05.2012 – 30.03.2013: Vertretung der Universitätsprofessur für Didaktik der Physik an der Universität Osnabrück
  • 01.10.2013 – 30.03.2014: Vertretung der Universitätsprofessur für Didaktik der Physik und technische Elementardidaktik an der Universität Kassel
  • 01.03.2014: Ruf auf eine Universitätsprofessur für Didaktik der Physik (W2) an die Universität Augsburg (abgelehnt)
  • 05.04.2017: Habilitation (venia legendi) für das Fach Didaktik der Physik und Ernennung zum Privatdozenten
  • 1.10.2020 – 30.4.2022: Professor (W3) für Didaktik der Physik an der Universität Paderborn
  • seit 1.5.2022: Professor (W3) für Didaktik der Physik an der Universität Bremen

Einblick in die Forschungsarbeiten: Mitschnitt eines Vortrags am CERN vom 31.5.2018


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Einblick in die Forschungsarbeiten: Wie erstellt man gute Erklärvideos?


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Alle 149 Publikationen anzeigen


Weißbach, A. & Kulgemeyer, C. (2024). Reflexionsfähigkeit von Physiklehramtsstudierenden: Ein Online-Self-Assessment mit Feedback. Unterrichtswissenschaft.@article{weisbach_reflexionsfahigkeit_2024, title={Reflexionsfähigkeit von {Physiklehramtsstudierenden}: {Ein} {Online}-{Self}-{Assessment} mit {Feedback}}, author={Weißbach, Anna and Kulgemeyer, Christoph}, year={2024}, month={feb}, journal={Unterrichtswissenschaft}, doi={10.1007/s42010-024-00195-4}, issn={0340-4099, 2520-873X}, url={} }

Kulgemeyer, C. & Geelan, D. (2024). Towards a constructivist view of instructional explanations as a core practice of science teachers. Science Education, sce.21863.@article{kulgemeyer_towards_2024, title={Towards a constructivist view of instructional explanations as a core practice of science teachers}, author={Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Geelan, David}, year={2024}, journal={Science Education}, pages={sce.21863}, doi={10.1002/sce.21863}, issn={0036-8326, 1098-237X}, url={} }

Bitzenbauer, P., Teußner, T., Veith, J. & Kulgemeyer, C. (2023). Do Pre-service Teachers Use YouTube Features in the Selection of Instructional Videos for Physics Teaching?. Research in Science Education, 1–26.@article{Bitzenbauer2023, title={Do Pre-service Teachers Use YouTube Features in the Selection of Instructional Videos for Physics Teaching?}, author={Bitzenbauer, P. and Teußner, T. and Veith, J.M. and Kulgemeyer, C.}, year={2023}, journal={Research in Science Education}, pages={1--26}, doi={} }

Bitzenbauer, P., Höfler, S., Veith, J. M., Winkler, B. et al. (2023). Exploring the Relationship Between Surface Features and Explaining Quality of YouTube Explanatory Videos. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1–24.@article{bitzenbauer_exploring_2023, title={Exploring the {Relationship} {Between} {Surface} {Features} and {Explaining} {Quality} of {YouTube} {Explanatory} {Videos}}, author={Bitzenbauer, Philipp and Höfler, Sebastian and Veith, Joaquin M. and Winkler, Bianca and Zenger, Tim and Kulgemeyer, Christoph}, year={2023}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, pages={1--24}, doi={10.1007/s10763-022-10351-w}, issn={1571-0068, 1573-1774}, url={} }

Kulgemeyer, C., Riese, J., Vogelsang, C., Buschhüter, D. et al. (2023). How authenticity impacts validity: Developing a~model of teacher education assessment and exploring the effects of the digitisation of assessment methods. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft.@article{Kulgemeyer2023b, title={How authenticity impacts validity: Developing a~model of teacher education assessment and exploring the effects of the digitisation of assessment methods}, author={Christoph Kulgemeyer and Josef Riese and Christoph Vogelsang and David Buschhüter and Andreas Borowski and Anna Wei{\ss}bach and Melanie Jordans and Peter Reinhold and Horst Schecker}, year={2023}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media {LLC}}, journal={Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft}, doi={10.1007/s11618-023-01154-y} }

Kulgemeyer, C., Hörnlein, M. & Sterzing, F. (2022). Exploring the effects of physics explainer videos and written explanations on declarative knowledge and the illusion of understanding. International Journal of Science Education, 1–21.@article{Kulgemeyer2022c, title={Exploring the effects of physics explainer videos and written explanations on declarative knowledge and the illusion of understanding}, author={Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Hörnlein, Madeleine and Sterzing, Fabian}, year={2022}, journal={International Journal of Science Education}, pages={1--21}, doi={} }

Vogelsang, C., Kulgemeyer, C. & Riese, J. (2022). Learning to Plan by Learning to Reflect? Exploring Relations between Professional Knowledge, Reflection Skills, and Planning Skills of Preservice Physics Teachers in a One-Semester Field Experience. Education Sciences, 12(479), 1–21.@article{Vogelsang2022a, title={Learning to Plan by Learning to Reflect? Exploring Relations between Professional Knowledge, Reflection Skills, and Planning Skills of Preservice Physics Teachers in a One-Semester Field Experience}, author={Vogelsang, Christoph and Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Riese, Josef}, year={2022}, journal={Education Sciences}, volume={12}, number={479}, pages={1--21}, doi={} }

Kulgemeyer, C. & Wittwer, J. (2022). Misconceptions in Physics Explainer Videos and the Illusion of Understanding: an Experimental Study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1–21.@article{Kulgemeyer2022a, title={Misconceptions in Physics Explainer Videos and the Illusion of Understanding: an Experimental Study}, author={Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Wittwer, Jörg}, year={2022}, journal={International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education}, pages={1--21}, doi={} }

Kulgemeyer, C., Kempin, M., Weißbach, A., Borowski, A. et al. (2021). Exploring the impact of pre-service science teachers' reflection skills on the development of professional knowledge during a field experience. International Journal of Science Education, 1–23.@article{Kulgemeyer2021d, title={Exploring the impact of pre-service science teachers' reflection skills on the development of professional knowledge during a field experience}, author={Kulgemeyer, Christoph and Kempin, Maren and Weißbach, Anna and Borowski, Andreas and Buschhüter, David and Enkrott, Patrick and Riese, Josef and Schecker, Horst and Schröder, Jan and Vogelsang, Christoph}, year={2021}, journal={International Journal of Science Education}, pages={1--23}, doi={10.1080/09500693.2021.2006820} }

Kulgemeyer, C., Borowski, A., Buschhüter, D., Enkrott, P. et al. (2020). Professional knowledge affects action-related skills: The development of preservice physics teachers' explaining skills during a field experience. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(10), 1554–1582.@article{kulgemeyer2020c, title={Professional knowledge affects action-related skills: The development of preservice physics teachers' explaining skills during a field experience}, author={Christoph Kulgemeyer and Andreas Borowski and David Buschhüter and Patrick Enkrott and Maren Kempin and Peter Reinhold and Josef Riese and Horst Schecker and Jan Schröder and Christoph Vogelsang}, year={2020}, journal={Journal of Research in Science Teaching}, volume={57}, number={10}, pages={1554--1582}, doi={10.1002/tea.21632} }

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